Mr. Barnes Science Courses
Stuff you'll find here:
Weekly Plans: Current week will be at the top, posted each Monday.
Course Objectives: What are we expected to learn?
Class Notes: My own notes for each unit of study.
Class Resources: Periodic tables and other such.
My office: S329B (between S327 & S329, next to chemical stock room)
My email:
My phone: (402) 436-1301 ext. 61729
My schedule:
Before: S329B (chem office)
1st: Chemistry in S328
2nd: Chemistry in S328
3rd: Astronomy in S328
4th: Plan in S329B
5th: Plan in S329B
6th: PS-Chem in S328
7th: PS-Chem in S328
After: S328 or S329B